Last year I posted my guide to Stockholm. I spent hours and hours putting it together and still I missed lots of places that I wanted to include. My plan has been to update it from time to time but I have just not been inspired to do so yet! So when I saw that Emma from emmas designblogg had updated her Stockholm guide I was thrilled. A bunch of places that I wanted to add are in her guide plus a bunch more. So if you are heading to Stockholm all you need is this and this guide! That way you will be set!
One of the places in Emmas guide that was new to me is Dusty Deco. I have no idea how I have missed this place but I can tell you that I will be visiting this store very soon. That clothing rack could be the best solution for my hubby to be (love saying that) and me since we sometimes (quite often) leave clothes hanging around. We have a chair that we use as a loading dock. And the chairs from David Design.... love! This could end up being quite expensive!
P.S. Please head over to Not Your Average Ordinary and read this.
Hi Joanna! Thank you so much for spreading the word about my guide!
I noticed that we have a lot of the same places on our lists, but I guess that just means we share the same taste. :)
Posted by: Emma | May 12, 2011 at 12:19 PM
Joanna, thank you for linking to my post on HardtHaven. I'm really thrilled that the word is spreading. So far, we've raised enough money to send one of the four children to school, but how I'd love to see them all go!
As for Stockholm, it's on my list of places to travel to, though it may be some time before I get there.
Posted by: Brandi {not your average ordinary} | May 12, 2011 at 03:23 PM
I hear you on the loading dock. I say just it is not on the floor it is fair game. Heading over to check out her guide now. Have a great Saturday.
Posted by: M | May 14, 2011 at 12:27 PM