What a year it has been. I had a look back at all the post from 2011 and wanted to share a few of my favorites with you. There will be a second part to this post. The more personal side of 2011 on Monday.
- I still really want these bracelets.
- Some of my favorite designers here, here, here and here.
- I really like this shoot.
- And a few more favorite designers here, here and here.
I want to get cozy in these clothes.
- Here, here and here are some of the bags I have been obsessing over.
(Sara Svenningrud & Klas Sjöberg)
I love this home. Twice.
- They always do it. The styling and photography simply stunning.
- I want to live here.
- Actually scratch that. I want to live here.
- Oh wait. Or do I want to move to Cape Town and live here?
- Loving the the black & white.
- I am still dreaming of moving to a house. Someday someday.
- These graphic photo illustrations are excellent.
- I thought these words were the perfect way to start off 2011.
- Brings fish to the next level.
- My favorite new store of 2011.
- Honestly the Maldives was one of the most amazing places I have been in the world. So next time I get to go I really would not mind staying here.
- Sometime in the future, when I get to go to Australia, I will stay here.
- One of my favorite hotels in Palma Mallorca.
- Favorites here were super hard since that would basically sum up
every page of my blog. But this post was super special to me.
- If you love blue you will love this post.
- I think this is a pretty color pallet.
- This guest post rocked my world. So helpful with my wedding planning.
- This is where I wanted to get hitched. But no.
- Still loving the denim wedding idea.
- This teaparty is beautiful.
- I love this iPad app.
- This is a new blog favorite.
Thank you so much for following sbp and for all of your wonderful support.
xx - Joanna
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